Wednesday, January 20, 2010

As we end the first semester of this class and get ready to welcome a new group of students, I wanted to share with you this thoughtful reflection by one the students.
" Writing to me is a simple and easy way of pulling your feelings out of you. It's moving your thoughts and emotions into the open and onto paper or a computer screen. It's a ways of relieving you from your worries and the pressures from the outside world. When you write, the only thing that matters is you and the words and phrases coming from your mind. I believe that writing is an art that is meant to be taken seriously and anyone who doesn't believe that has never sat down with a paper, pencil, and thought to themselves about all the possibilities that could fill that sheet of paper. Writing comes naturally to me. Whether it is a story, a poem, or just a list of things I need to get, when I am writing, I am myself and what everyone else around me thinks and says doesn't matter. Writing has helped me do everything from expressing my happiness to bringing me out of a fog that was too think to breathe in. writing is essential to me and I am proud to say that. I will continue to write and therefore, continue to grow."

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Recently students collected interesting newspaper headlines. Their task was to use several of the headlines as lines in a piece of original poetry. The following four pieces were voted favorites by the class. Unfortunately, I cannot recreate some of the unique fonts and forms as blogspot always seems to change it when published. But I think you'll get the effect of their assignment.

Melting Ice

Problems arise from every corner
Boys and girls will use different ways to fight fire
A boy will use fire to melt away everything
A girl will use words that hurt and sting
Some will cause drama with family and friends
Causing some of their good relationships to end
Those kids won't get more allowance
instead they will live with a guilty conscience
Kids need to realize others see their actions with their own eyes
And that young life touches young lives
Girls and boys have to deal with their problems and make them right
So kids, be careful what products you use to melt ice

By Deanna E.

Death Notice

A teen boy
OD'd on meth.
their boys
to behave.
Portrayed as innocent
Video games, pizza, and Mountain Dew
These days pot replaces
a downer, relaxing,
Instead of an upper,
sharpening the senses.
Teen attitudes about pot changing.
Now tolerant
Even welcoming
This death notice brings
changes to light.
Meth-scourged town
attempt to limit access to medicines
in light of these
presumably new habits.
Habits that have
always been there,
lurking under
fake smiles and
white lies to
parents, so eager to
nothing is wrong
faced with
shocking awakenings.
Death Notice

by Katie B.

Fight the good fight, Continue in truth
Stabbing suspect caught at library . . .
Inspection debate still unresolved.
Late payroll is not a good sign . . .
FAmilies struggle.
Fire in Waynesboro . . .
Deaths result.

suffering and
are the diseases that spread in the world like a
cancer cell.
Killing - slowly -
as people grow
What needs to be remembered is that
Young Life Touches Young Lives.

May we continue in truth so the world does not catch up to us.
By Hannah W.


Be careful what products you use to melt ice
Tension can be slippery.
End Iran's nuclear dance with destruction
Handle terror carefully
Defeat illness this winter
Be happy and healthy.
Families seek answers for economic trouble
Search diligently
In trying times, simple answers may be the best solution
By Lauren A.